Seven out of ten French people prefer the car or motorized two-wheelers after a drunken evening, reveals a new survey from the road prevention association.
“The one who drives is the one who does not drink”. No need to remind you of the risks of drunk driving. The many prevention campaigns have been doing this for a long time. And yet, the French continue to take risks, according to a recent survey of associations Road Prevention and Prevention insurers, who wish to increase awareness of these dangers as the holidays approach. “
Alcohol, a practice rooted in French culture
On a sample of 6,774 individuals aged 18 to 64, the survey shows that 70% of French people go out at least once a month, and that 78% of them prefer to return from these evenings by car or motorbike, rather than by other means of transport. And whether with family, friends or at the restaurant, alcohol is always present during these evenings, at least for 8 out of 10 French people. For a large majority (73%), drinking is quite simply one of the things to do. “French cultural habits” while 39% think that it is frowned upon not to drink in society.
Lack of knowledge of the blood alcohol level
But, if 8 out of 10 French people drink during these evenings, 4 out of ten say, on the other hand, that they find solutions so as not to get behind the wheel when they have been drinking. To be accompanied by someone else, to sleep there, or even to designate in advance, his “Sam”. But 41% of them see it differently. If they are fully aware of the risks of drinking alcohol while driving, they however prefer to return home on their own and do not hesitate to take their vehicle. And not to get too drunk, they have a glass of water or a coffee before hitting the road. In addition, the survey reveals that 6% never take a “special arrangement” in this direction and that 27% believe they have already got into a vehicle whose driver had exceeded the legal blood alcohol limit. Besides… to the question of “what is the legal blood alcohol level?” », Half of them were wrong. Answer: no more than two drinks.