Truck drivers who consume caffeine have fewer accidents than others. But the road prevention recalls that coffee does not protect against drowsiness.
While drinking and driving is strongly discouraged, however, coffee can save lives. Especially among truck drivers. Australian researchers are interested in accidentology in this profession. They compared the results of 530 drivers who had recently had an accident with that of 517 drivers who had no accidents.
Those who consumed drinks with caffeine were 63% less likely to be involved in an accident, compared to others. In fact, half of them had drunk coffee to stay awake. These figures take into account factors such as age, sleep patterns, kilometers traveled, breaks as well as night work.
“The impact of napping, drinking a cup of coffee, or walking on alertness while driving is not yet fully established, which is why research is still needed.” , said Lisa Sharwood Sydney), who led this study published in the British Medical Journal (Bmj).
Nothing replaces real rest to avoid accidents. Moreover, in France, road traffic prevention tirelessly reminds us that caffeine takes a certain time to be absorbed by the body. The effect is therefore not immediate, and especially short-lived.