Personalities from the world of ecology have agreed to have their hair analyzed. They contain an explosive cocktail of endocrine disruptors.
Everywhere, without exception. Even in the hair of ecologists … Endocrine disruptors (PE) confirm their omnipresence. Générations Futures had already shown that these substances contaminated our salads, our strawberries, our mueslis, our pregnant women, our children… The last investigation of the NGO now reveals that the Greens do not escape this exposure.
For this new part of the “EXPPERT “(Exposure to endocrine disrupting pesticides), the locks of hair of seven environmentalists were taken, in order to analyze the presence of about 200 endocrine disruptors (including 150 PE pesticides, 4 bisphenols, 13 phthalates and 32 congeners of PCBs) . The result: a huge blow for Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Isabelle Autissier, Delphine Batho, José Bové, Nicolas Hulot, Yannick Jadot and Mare-Monique Robin.
Between 36 and 68 substances
All of them have each of the families of products analyzed in the body, reports Générations Futures. “There are between 36 (D. Batho) and 68 (I. Autissier) endocrine disruptors per personality. The amounts found vary from 9031 pg / mg of PE (D. Batho) and 158643 pg / mg (I. Autissier). The quantities of PE vary by a factor of 17.5 between the least contaminated person (D.Batho) to the most contaminated (I.Autissier) ”, specifies the NGO.
The famous “cocktail effect”, which raises so much fear because it multiplies the toxicity of endocrine disruptors taken in isolation, is eloquently illustrated here. And yet, all these personalities say they limit the impregnation of these chemicals …
“The results of this analysis are quite terrifying, while I try to monitor my diet to avoid processed or prepared products and promote organic”, exclaims Isabelle Autissier, quoted by Future generations.
It is the most contaminated of all. It shows in particular traces (not quantified) of DDT, an insecticide banned since 1972. On France Info, the sailor, also president of WWF-France, wonders. In her past, twenty years ago, she worked in shipyards; has it been contaminated by the many pollutants handled by the workers? Outburst of panic among these people particularly concerned by the cause.
Chronic and recent exposure
Isabelle Autissier’s results, like the other participants, rather suggest recent and chronic exposure. First, because Générations Futures had already highlighted the persistence of DDT in soils and crops – and therefore on our plates – more than 40 years after its ban. Then, hair analyzes do not allow an exposure beyond six months to be assessed.
In fact, in a polluted environment, the body absorbs the toxic substance, which passes through the blood and irrigates all the organs, including the hair bulb. Hence the presence of these toxins in the hair.
In this survey, it is about samples of 3 to 4 cm of hair at the root; however, the hair fiber grows at a rate of one centimeter per month. This means that three or four months ago, the participants were contaminated with a pollutant, which their body excreted through their hair.
Imminent vote
This investigation therefore makes it possible to conclude that a current environment is toxic for everyone, although “the exposure of people is not uniform but varies considerably depending on the environment in which they operate and / or have evolved”.
These results were presented within days of a critically important vote. Indeed, on February 28, the European Commission must set criteria to define an endocrine disruptor. This definition will depend on the health of citizens, environmentalists or not.