Almost all of the drugs containing doxycycline are out of stock. The ANSM asks doctors to prescribe this antibiotic only in essential cases.
“Difficulties in the supply of medicines are a problem which will unfortunately become more and more increasing. This global phenomenon is very difficult to resolve, ”recently argued Isabelle Adenot, President of the Order of Pharmacists. Proof of this prediction, today’s alert launched by the Medicines Safety Agency on a shortage of stock in France of almost all drugs based on the antibiotic doxycycline.
An antibiotic approved for many indications
Doxycycline is an old antibiotic approved for many indications, including the treatment of infections caused by bacteria sensitive to doxycycline in their respiratory, genital, urinary, ocular or general manifestations. In addition, this product is also indicated in the treatment of certain forms of acne, in the cutaneous and ocular manifestations of rosacea and in the prevention of traveler’s malaria in endemic areas in the event of resistance or contraindication. or intolerance to mefloquine.
But, “due to the increase in demand for doxycycline encountered by the main supplier of this raw material at European level, strong supply tensions for oral forms of medicines [à base de produit] are currently reported in France, ”the agency said in an information point on its website.
Are affected by these tensions, many drugs Doxy, Doxypalu, Granudoxy, Tolexine, as well as the generics of Arrow, Mylan, Teva, Sandoz and Expanscience.
Contacted by the Agence Presse Médicale, the ANSM indicated that the tensions on doxycycline had not been observed only in France and in Europe but that it was a global phenomenon.
Don’t panic, for the moment …
Despite these tensions, the ANSM has not yet planned specific measures, “knowing that alternatives exist”, commented a spokesperson for the agency.
The Agency nevertheless calls on healthcare professionals to be “vigilant” in order to ensure “reasonable use” of the units still available. They are asked to reserve the use of doxycycline for the indications which appear essential to them, while giving priority to the available therapeutic alternatives.