Before consuming a food supplement, it is better to know it. One in five could contain a doping substance. Notice to athletes.
While the match of the Six Nations Tournament: France-Wales took place this weekend, the world of rugby is in a storm! In his latest book “Rugby à charges” (to be published on March 5), the journalist Pierre Ballester denounces doping practices in the world of the oval. He also deplores the fiasco of the fight against doping in this sport. “There have been three positives for anabolic steroids in 10 years”, he testified ironically yesterday morning on France info, suggesting that there were probably not enough checks.
In his book, Pierre Ballester thus recounts the use of amphetamines which were, according to him, “on the menus of the Blues” … in the 80s. In addition, the journalist describes the wave of corticosteroid injection, recommended by doctors clubs, including in the top 14, then the arrival in 2000 of players from the southern hemisphere with the fashion for food supplements. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, but also creatine, amino acids, …: products today popular with athletes, including amateurs, and completely legal.
“At high level, supplements have invaded sport for multiple reasons (poor diet, muscle gain …), yet, even if they are authorized, they can be the cause of” involuntary “doping. athletes ”, warns Dorian Martinez, psychologist and founder of SPORT Protect, a platform created to avoid the pitfalls of doping for professionals.
Listen to Dorian Martinez, founder of SPORT Protect: “ Athletes take it to recover faster. Others, because they play sports at a high level, believe that they have deficiencies. These are convinced that they need it… “
1 in 5 food supplements contaminated
Indeed, according to a study by German biochemist Hans geyer carried out in 2001, approximately one in five dietary supplements contains doping molecules on the list of substances and methods banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). And 15% of these food supplements sold to athletes would even be contaminated by anabolic substances, without clearly indicating it on the packaging.
“Since then, the other studies carried out on this subject are not favorable and some even affirm that 25% of food supplements are not” clean “”, emphasizes Dorian Martinez. These products which can make an athlete positive for an anti-doping test are nevertheless sold legally in France. In specialized shops, on the Internet, and more surprisingly, in pharmacies.
Listen to Dorian Martinez : ” In France, the law allows manufacturers to market supplements with doping substances. I take the example citrus aurantium, a plant that contains octopamine banned since … “
Pharmacists ready to clean up
But on the side of pharmacists we are determined to clean the shelves of pharmacies. The Minister of Sports, Patrick Kanner, and the President of the National Order of Pharmacists, Isabelle Adenot, just signed last Tuesday an agreement on the prevention of doping, in particular that which originates in the taking of these fraudulent food supplements.
The text provides that the Order must make its pharmacists aware of the health risks associated with doping behavior and their role in the prevention of doping. The Institution will also have to offer concrete tools (posters, brochures, etc.) to better guide consumers towards supplements that meet the AFNOR NV F 94-001 standard.
A task difficult to believe these health professionals who often complain about the lack of transparency of manufacturers. Pharmacists interviewed by pourquoidoctor have, in fact, revealed that manufacturers knowingly lie about the exact composition of the products. Pierre Sallet, Managing Director of the Athletes For Transparency (AFT) association, also evokes “possible” manufacturing accidents among manufacturers who sometimes pollute food supplements unintentionally without the manufacturer ever knowing.
Listen to Isabelle Adenot, President of the Order of Pharmacists: “ It’s complicated to be irreproachable. The list of doping products changes every year. Before buying, the French must tell the pharmacist that they are athletic. “
Food supplements: the health risks
Faced with possible future attacks, Isabelle Adenot prefers to anticipate by recalling that the heart of this problem is not in pharmacies: “Frankly, many athletes do not go to pharmacies. Most of them go to specialized shops or buy their food supplements on the Internet, where product traceability is even less good. A worrying finding when we know that these products contain active ingredients, which can be dangerous for some consumers.
On this subject, Pierre Sallet confides: “Food supplements that contain protein can, in high doses, lead to increased kidney work, which can be dangerous in consumers who already have kidney problems. Supplements can have other harmful effects on your health. In fact, the more one goes upmarket in doping, with hormonal substances in particular, the more the vital risk can be engaged. ” However on the internet it is easy to obtain this type of product, however prohibited for sale.
Listen to Pierre Sallet, Managing Director of AFT : ” On the Internet, the buyer is in the dark. It is a global platform so French standards are not valid in other countries. In addition we do not know which manufacturer is hiding… “
FFR XIII protects 100% of its licensees
To avoid falling into the traps of doping, solutions exist for top-level athletes. SPORT Protect has thus become the official provider of the French Rugby League (FFR XIII) since the 2013-2014 season. Using an individual connection identifier offered by the FFR XIII, all federation licensees, regardless of their level of practice, can now consult the SPORT Protect application from a smartphone, tablet or computer.
On the one hand, it allows them to take care of themselves calmly and avoid taking a drug, even in common use, which may contain a prohibited substance. On the other hand, the app allows young athletes to easily identify nutritional references that comply with the anti-doping standard NV F 94-001 guaranteed by the third-party and independent certification program SPORT Protect.
However, despite these tools, Dorian Martinez regrets that all sports federations are not yet fully aware of the issue of doping. “Suddenly, as high-level athletes are checked several times a year (around 10-15 times for players from the French rugby union team)” involuntary “doping cases are always possible”, he concludes.
Listen to Dorian Martinez : ” 2 days ago, a French athletics champion called us to announce her return to competition after a positive test. She was happy to have approached a French supplement brand. However, their products contained doping molecules. “