10 years after having published its last Atlas of medical demography, the National Council of the Order of Physicians presents its new version and offers a first ten-year vision of the demographic evolution of physicians in each of our territories. What we learn:
• As of January 1, 2017, 290,974 doctors were registered on the order’s roll. However, among these doctors, the proportion of professionals in regular activity has fallen by 10 points since 2007 to reach 68% in 2017, or 197,859 doctors.
• A strong feminization of the profession: women now represent 47% of physicians in regular activity against 38% in 2007.
• A drop deemed “alarming” in the number of general practitioners, which affects almost the entire territory.
Last year, the Order had already alerted to the worrying drop in general practitioners the number of which had fallen to 88,886. In 2017, he noted a further drop in practitioners with 88,137 general practitioners even as the national population increased.
• A constant increase in foreign doctors in regular activity for 10 years (including 45% from the European Union). In 2017, there were 22,619 doctors with foreign diplomas in regular activity. This represents 11% of regular activity in France in 2017. But contrary to popular belief, “the installation of foreign doctors does not provide an answer to the territorial difficulties of access to care. The study shows that these doctors , whatever their nationality, and like their French colleagues, do not settle in areas defined as deficient by regional health agencies “underlines the Council of the Order.
This study allows us to fight a misconception ➡️ foreign doctors are not the solution to medical deserts #DirectCNOMpic.twitter.com/MLDUok2iBz
– Order of Doctors (@ordre_medecins) October 12, 2017
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