Pharmacist Sonja Keizers answers
Pharmacist Sonja Keizers answers questions about medicines. This time: DNA profile useful in side effects pills?
I’m on the eleventh kind of pill for high blood pressure. Every time I have to stop because of the many side effects. Is a DNA test wise?
Our genes largely determine how the body works. Not only what color hair you have, but also how hard the enzymes in your liver work. Every person has a whole set of enzymes that all break down other drugs. If you have fast-acting enzymes, this can mean that a medicine does not work properly and high doses are required. There are also people with enzymes that break down medicines more slowly. Medicines then have a stronger effect and side effects can occur sooner. A DNA profile shows how active the enzymes are. Such an investigation only makes sense if someone for inexplicable reasons does not respond (or does not respond very strongly) to medication. Such a test is not suitable for all medicines. With high blood pressure, there are often plenty of other remedies to try. If the problems persist, you can find out together with your doctor whether such a DNA test can help.
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