” With more than 3 million people affected, or 5% of our population, this silent and rampant epidemic could affect 1 in 10 French people in 10 years! “, and “There are an estimated 700,000 people with diabetes who ignore themselves», Specifies Gérard Raymond, President of AFD.
Diabetes, a silent disease
The development of type 2 diabetes can be invisible for years to come. On average, it can take 5 to 10 years between the onset of the first hyperglycaemia and the diagnosis of diabetes. A much too long time, because it is often on the occasion of serious complications that the patient consults.
These late consultations cause serious medical complications. In fact, diabetes is, in particular, the leading cause of blindness before the age of 65, the leading cause of amputation other than an accident, the 2nd leading cause of cardiovascular disease and 30,000 deaths are attributed to it every year. Damage that can be avoided by an anti-diabetes diet, of course, but also by an early diagnosis.
Diabetes, a penalizing disease
Diabetes is a chronic disease that is economically, humanly and socially costly. In fact, according to an AFD survey, 16% of patients believe they have been the victim of discrimination related to diabetes to access a job, 1 in 4 people believe they have been the victim of discrimination related to diabetes in during his career.
Prevention, a major asset
There is an easy to detect clue: heredity is indeed one of the major risk factors for diabetes. Do you have any doubts about this silent disease? Answer the 5 questions of the test set up by AFD and you will find out if your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is low, medium or higher than you imagined.
To take the risk test and learn more about diabetes, visit www.contrelediabete.fr .