Despite an economic climate that remains gloomy, 55% of women in France have the moral. This is what reveals a study commissioned by Maxi magazine and conducted on a sample of 1,000 women and 300 men, aged 25 to 64 years.
Happier women in the North
The robot portrait of the French woman optimistic ? She is between 25 and 34 years old, lives in a town of over 100,000 inhabitants, lives in cohabitation and has children. Their main source of comfort is their couple (for 69% of them). “Even French women who are in low spirits remain optimistic about their married life. Only two French women out of 100 say they are worried about this.”
They also have overall confidence in the French health system, which they find “reassuring and considerate”. And contrary to what one might think, the sun does not bring happiness since it is in the northern half of France that we find the happiest women (55%).
The fear of unemployment remains
Some shadows on the board, however. On the job side, even if “the fear of unemployment, the difficulties of development and the stagnation of remuneration are worrying subjects, the atmosphere at work and the relationship with their superiors is felt to be satisfactory “.
Falling purchasing power forces women to focus on essential expenses (food, housing, transport) to the detriment of small pleasures and outings. And even if they French remain those in Europe to have the most children, less than one mother in four is reassured about the future of her children. Unemployment and the housing crisis are the subjects of greatest concern to them.