While the sun is scarce, Dr. Gilles Uzzan, psychiatrist and addictologist at Clinique Eugénie, explains all the benefits of light therapy in this cold season.
– Why doctor: What is light therapy?
Dr. Gilles Uzzan – Light therapy uses light rays to heal. This technique consists in exposing oneself daily to so-called “broad-spectrum” white artificial light, imitating that of the sun to best restore its qualities.
– What are its effects on the body?
Its purpose is mainly to treat disorders associated with disturbances of the internal biological clock, but light therapy also has other beneficial effects: it activates cell growth, eIt improves the immune system andIt stimulates the healing processes of the whole body.
– What pathologies can it treat?
Light therapy can treat many health conditions, including:
– non-seasonal depression in the elderly;
– postpartum depression;
– seasonal depression;
– depression in adjuvant therapy with antidepressants;
– bipolar depression in association with mood stabilizers;
– sleep disorders, especially in elderly people suffering from dementia: insomnia, nocturnal awakening, early morning awakening;
– problems related to jet lag (travel, night work, etc.);
– bulimia attacks influenced by the seasons;
– premenstrual syndrome and associated depression;
– chronic pain.
– In what case is it most used?
The main indication for light therapy concerns seasonal depression, because its effectiveness has been scientifically demonstrated*. This syndrome, whose origin is still unknown, appears at the approach of winter as the outdoor light decreases, and has a detrimental effect on the internal biological clock of some people.
– Are there any contraindications?
It seems that light therapy does not cause eye damage. However, some caution is in order, as ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful to the eye. This treatment is therefore not recommended for patients suffering from certain eye problems: cataract, retinitis pigmentosa, dmacular egeneration glaucoma and rdiabetic etinitis.
Light therapy is also not recommended for patients treated with drugs with photosensitive effects, such as lithium or neuroleptics.
– Concretely, how does a light therapy session take place?
It consists of placing the patient 50 to 80 cm from a lamp emitting fluorescent light. In fgeneralit delivers 10,000 Lux for a period of 30-40 minutes, but it is also possible to use one that sends 2500 Lux for 2 hours. If eye contact with the light is required, the patient should not face it.
– How long does this treatment last?
The application must be daily. Treatment begins as early as September or October and continues until spring. Improvement is usually seen between 1 and 4 weeks of light therapy.
– Are there any side effects?
If the contraindications mentioned above are respected, light therapy has fewer adverse effects than antidepressants, and they are rather rare. It may be mhead or headhesitation.
– Is there an increase in the number of sessions in the winter period?
It is scientifically proven that the number of depressed people increases dramatically as winter approaches. Consequently, there is indeed an increase in the number of sessions during this period.
*Light therapy is effective in about 2 out of 3 patients with seasonal depression.