MAINTENANCE. MP Denis Baupin is accused of sexual assault. Testimonies that will help thousands of victims to break the silence, according to Dr. Gilles Lazimi.
Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) is at the heart of the turmoil. This Monday morning, 8 women denounce acts of harassment and sexual assault committed by Denis Baupin, leader of the Green movement. Among them, 4 elected ecologists decided to speak with their faces uncovered. Asked by Mediapart and France Inter, they report assaults in corridors and provocative and gritty text messages they have received for several months. Since these revelations, Denis Baupin has resigned from his post as vice-president of the National Assembly even if he disputes the accusations made against him.
However, the acts appear to be known to the party leadership. And the silence that has prevailed so far speaks volumes about the courage it took for its women politicians.
A courage greeted by Dr. Gilles Lazimi, general practitioner at the municipal health center of Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis) and member of the Feminist Collective against rape.
Can these testimonies help other women victims of this violence to break the silence?
Dr Gilles Lazimi: Shame, fear of the gaze of others, fear of losing one’s job kept these women silent for years. This guilt of the victims is absolutely scandalous but it continues. They feel guilty for instigating the assault.
The only culprit is the aggressor. But it’s very hard for them to break the silence. Today, 8 women have spoken and it’s great, but maybe there are more of them? They are more than whistleblowers. They are truly exceptional. Their testimonies will really help women to be able to denounce what is happening in the workplace, on a daily basis and to say how much they suffer from these assaults.
How to help victims of assault and sexual harassment at work?
Dr Gilles Lazimi : The employer is supposed to protect them. When he is aware, he must protect and accompany the victims. But harassment is taboo in the workplace. In companies, there are people who know and who choose to be silent. It is scandalous, it must stop. When a person does this, you can’t say “Oh no! He started it all over again ”. It is an offense that must be punished. A colleague, a neighbor, a friend can accompany them to file a complaint. If they are not able to talk about it, they should see a doctor. We need to be able to recognize the prejudice that these women have suffered.
The Denis Baupin affair is not an isolated case in the political world …
Dr Gilles Lazimi : It is abuse of power. They are men of power who work in places of power. Political journalists denounced sexism in the National Assembly in a forum. Associations of parliamentary attachés are trying to denounce it. Nothing authorizes using one’s hierarchical position to harass, threaten or assault a colleague. This is absolutely not normal and far from exemplary.