Why the frequency of sexual intercourse is falling, in Reunion, two doctors not vaccinated against measles infect patients and the fight against addictions thanks to e-health will soon be possible. Here is the main news.
Why the frequency of sexual intercourse drops
As in many Western countries, the frequency of sexual intercourse is falling in Britain. These are the conclusions of a new study published in the British Medical Journal. These data show a drop in the number of people who had sexual intercourse in 2012 compared to individuals of the same age group in 2001. 34,000 men and women aged 16 to 44 made up the cohort. Between the first and the second survey, the percentage of people having no sexual intercourse fell from 28.5 to 23% among women and from 30.9 to 26% among men. At the other end of the scale, the percentage of people having sex more than 10 times a month was 20.2% among men and 20.6% among women in 2001, then fell to 14 .4% and 13.2% respectively among men and women in 2012. To read more, click here.
Measles: in Reunion, two unvaccinated doctors infect patients
In Reunion, two doctors from the University Hospital Center CHU de Bellepierre, not vaccinated against measles, contaminated 6 of their patients. In order to limit the spread of the virus, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) investigated all weekend to “trace” the two responsible nursing staff. But discovering the origin of the contamination was not easy, explains Doctor François Chièze, director of health security at ARS Indian Ocean, quoted by Imaz Press. “The incubation period for measles can range from 7 to 18 days, a period that varies from person to person.” This means that the cases have been declared one after the other. In total, the ARS summoned and checked the vaccinations of 500 healthcare workers. A hundred of them were vaccinated in two days within the premises of the establishment. More information in our article.
Fighting addiction through e-health will soon be possible
The number of French “addicts” is increasingly high. Thus, they are approximately 13 million to smoke daily, 5 million to drink alcohol every day, and 700,000 to be addicted to cannabis. But medical deserts are still increasing in France. How to fight against all these increasing addictions, if the number of doctors decreases? The solution could be e-Health. Indeed, this Tuesday, May 14, a report named Addictions: the e-Health revolution was handed over to MILDECA, the Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behaviours. This emphasizes that e-health could improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of addictions. Indeed, e-health is already experimented in various forms in France, such as in Bordeaux or Villejuif, with good results. We tell you more in our article.