Little known, paternal depression at the birth of a child is far from trivial. It has an impact on child development similar to depression in mothers, according to an American study.
While many studies have looked at postpartum depression in mothers, fathers seem to be forgotten. However, dads too can experience the “baby blues”, that difficult phase where the joy and happiness that a birth brings are driven out by a period of sadness and doubt.
In some cases, this illness can become lasting and have important consequences on the development of the child. A study, conducted by Northwestern University in Chicago, reveals that the depression of fathers – like that of mothers – during the first years of their children’s lives leads to the development of disturbing behaviors such as hitting, lying, feelings of anxiety and sadness.
The researchers asked about 200 couples with 3-year-old children to independently respond to a self-administered questionnaire about postpartum depression, their married life, and their children’s behavior. These couples had previously participated in a study on depression at the time of the birth of their children. The results of the study show that the emotions of the father and those of the mother have similar effects on the behavior of children.
From 0 to 3 years old: a crucial age
“When a parent is depressed, it is not just their mood that will be affected but all their behavior, attitude and experience,” explains Jaqueline Wendland, psychologist and head of the “Perinatal, early childhood, parenthood” team at psychopathologies and health processes laboratory at Paris Descartes University, the way of speaking, the way of looking, of touching the child, of taking care of him will be modified ”. However, the absence of eye contact or a smile during the first three years of life has harmful consequences on the child. He will feel insecure, feel a lack of attachment which can hinder his behavioral and cognitive development.
Listen to Jaqueline Wendland, psychologist and head of the “Perinatality, early childhood, parenthood” team at the psychopathologies and health processes laboratory at Paris Descartes University: “It’s a sensitive age, it’s a period that is said to be really crucial for development. This is the moment when the child will have his first experiences. “
From previous studies have also shown that postpartum paternal depression has long-term consequences for children such as attention deficit, hyperactivity or anxiety.
Despite this work and the recognition of paternal depression, the suffering of fathers seems to be ignored… first by themselves. “Most of the time we have access to fathers through the mother. It is when she comes consulted for her or her child and the father accompanies her that he discovers that he too has the right to assistance, to psychological support and that he can verbalize his difficulty in parenthood ”, explains Jaqueline Wendland.
Redefining the place of the father
In our present societies, it is generally difficult for man to ask for help, especially when he becomes a father and has an additional responsibility. In addition, some do not find their place in parenthood built around an almost exclusive mother-child relationship. “You have to see the reduced place of fathers in maternity hospitals. Except for ultrasounds and birth preparation, the presence of the father is not essential. If he is there very well otherwise no one will look for him, ”explains the psychologist.
Listen to Jaqueline Wendland : “Fathers are expected to show a certain solidity, he should whether they are present, that they are supportive and that they do not talk too much about them. “
“Early intervention for mothers and fathers is key. If we can identify parents who are onset of depression and help them, then their children will not be affected by their parents’ depression, ”said lead author Sheehan Fisher.
An opinion shared by Jaqueline Wendland: “Parents must be able to rely on professionals, be accompanied in places dedicated to supporting parenting because you cannot be a good parent if you are isolated, if we are in difficulty or depressed ”