- Covid-19: live announcements
- Covid figures in France: cases, deaths, curves
- What to remember from the announcements of Jean Castex this January 20?
Covid-19: live announcements
Live this Tuesday, February 15:
- Vaccination pass: From this Tuesday, the validity of the vaccination pass is reduced from 7 months to 4 months, in the absence of the booster dose or recent contamination with Covid-19. Find out more about the validity of the vaccination pass.
Other info:
- How many French people are vaccinated on February 14? Since the start of the booster campaign, 37,866,824 people have received a booster dose. In addition, since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 54,152,987 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 80.3% of the total population) and 53,061,754 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 78. 7% of the total population).
- Covid figures in France this Monday, February 14: 31,621 people are currently hospitalized (down slightly, 31,624 on Sunday), including 3,305 in intensive care (stable, 3,305 yesterday). 388 new deaths are to be deplored. Furthermore, 26,475 new cases were diagnosed.
- Children should “most likely” be able to do without wearing a mask indoors at school “before the end of the school year”, assured Jean-Michel Blanquer, Sunday on France Inter.
- The Government has announced a relaxation of the health protocol, as of February 28:wearing a mask indoors remains mandatory in transport and enclosed places not subject to the vaccination pass. In other closed places, subject to the vaccination pass, wearing a mask will no longer be required. As a reminder, since February 2, 2022, wearing a mask is no longer required outdoors. Wearing a mask is still recommended in the event of a group of people with a high density. In addition, the screening device people who have had contact with a person who tested positive is alleviated. Contact persons will only have to carry out a single test (self-test or antigen test or RT-PCR test) on D2 (i.e. two days after having been informed of having been in contact with a person tested positive) at instead of three tests today (on D0, D2 and D4). In the case of a positive self-test, the person will have to do an antigen test or a confirmatory RT-PCR test. The isolation rules remain unchanged.
- Relief from health protocol at school: they go back to level 2 when they return from the February holidays: end of the obligation to wear a mask outdoors for elementary school students and staff; possibility of practicing indoor physical and sports activities again without wearing a mask (respecting a distance: contact sports are therefore not authorized without a mask); relaxation of the rules limiting mixing (by level or group of classes rather than by class), especially during restoration times. From February 28, students, like staff, will only have to perform one test if they are in contact (self-test or antigenic test) on D2 instead of three (D0, D2 and D4-); The presentation of a sworn statement from the pupils’ legal guardians attesting to the completion of the tests will no longer be required for pupils to be admitted to schools.
- Paxlovid : the first patients can be treated with this antiviral from February 4, announces the Ministry of Health. Learn more about this antiviral.
- Postponement of the bac exams due to the health situation. The written specialization tests for the general and technological baccalaureate, which were to be held on March 14, 15 and 16, have been postponed to May 11, 12 and 13, indicates the Ministry of Education. The so-called “experimental capacity assessment” tests will take place in the days that follow.
- The Omicron variant is responsible for the majority of hospital deaths with Covid-19, says a press release from the DREES. Between January 17 and 23, 2022, it is estimated that the Omicron variant 57% of deaths occurring in hospital with Covid-19, 79% of critical care admissions and 99% of positive PCR tests, it is specified. Variant Omicron: symptoms, incubation, duration…
- 4th dose : In a notice that has just been published, the vaccine strategy guidance council chaired by Alain Fischer is against the fourth dose of vaccine against Covid-19. The body is based in particular on a study by the British health agency according to which people aged 65 and over who have received a booster are protected up to 89% against the risk of hospitalization from ten weeks after the injection. In addition, “the current hospitalization data provided by the DREEs indicate that the population who received their booster in September and October represents only a small contingent of people who are hospitalized or in intensive care”.
- A certificate of isolation must be sent to the employer for people who are in contact and positive for Covid-19, who are not able to telework or whose job does not allow it. How to get it?
- The Novavax vaccine arrives in France. 1.1 or 1.2 million Novavax doses should be delivered during the last week of February, then 800,000 doses per week in March. Learn more about Novavax.
- Insee report: despite the Covid, the year 2021 recorded a slight rebound, according to Insee. Mortality remains abnormally high (compared to the period before the epidemic), but its decrease coupled with the increase in births leads to a 0.3% increase in the French population in one year.
- The Covid, soon a disease like the flu? Although the disease is still in the pandemic phase, the spread of the Omicron variant will transform Covid-19 into an endemic disease, Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccine strategy at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), based in Paris, explained on Tuesday. Amsterdam. Read also: Thanks to Omicron, Covid-19 will become an endemic disease: what does that mean?
- Sanofi vaccine against Covid-19 : currently in the clinical trial phase, the final results will be unveiled in the first quarter of 2022, after a further delay, the laboratory announced. Read our article: where is the Sanofi vaccine?
- I had no side effects after the vaccine, am I really protected? Our answer.
Covid figures in France: cases, deaths, curves
The results in figures in France on Sunday February 13:
- 86,562 new cases in 24 hours
- 133,614 deaths (+107 in 24 hours at the hospital)
- 3,305 patients currently hospitalized in intensive care in total (see curve below)
- Test positivity rate: 29.5%
- Effective R: 0.8
- Over 54 million people who have received at least one dose of vaccine
- New intensive care admissions
- In total, in intensive care
What to remember from the announcements of Jean Castex this January 20?
The Prime Minister held a press conference this Thursday evening to give the agenda for the easing of health restrictions. Here’s what to remember:
The wave is of “exceptional” magnitude due to the “exceptional” contagion of the Omicron variant, indicated Jean Castex in the preamble. Indeed “5 million French people have already been infected, or even perhaps double if we count the asymptomatic and those who have not been tested”. It is not over but the situation is starting to evolve “favorably”, he continued, before listing 3 reassuring news:
- The wave linked to Delta is everywhere in net ebb, but this variant was more dangerous. The number of patients in intensive care is finally reduced slightly and this should continue.
- The wave linked to Omicron begins to stall in Ile-de-France, where the decline is engaged. In the other regions, the contaminations continue to progress because Omicron arrived there later. But what is happening in Ile-de-France draws a reassuring perspective.
- Confirmation that Omicron is clearly less severe than its predecessors, even if this virus “is not trivial”, it is not “a simple flu”. Vaccination therefore remains essential, insisted Jean Castex. “A fully vaccinated person has 4.5 times less risk of catching the virus and 25 times less risk of being hospitalized for a serious form”.
Measures and alleviation of constraints: what agenda announced by Castex?
Monday January 24:
- 12-17 year olds (frail or not) will be able to benefit from a booster vaccination, “without obligation”.
- Children from 5 to 11 years old can be vaccinated by a city professional (doctor or pharmacist).
- The vaccination pass will come into effect for those over 16 years old. A negative test will no longer be sufficient to enter certain places. It will therefore be necessary to have an up-to-date vaccination schedule.
- Non-vaccinated people who will take their first dose by February 15 will be able to benefit from a valid vaccination pass, provided they plan a second injection within a month and present, in the meantime, a test to access certain places.
Then, the constraints will be eased in 2 steps:
As of Wednesday, February 2:
- All cultural and sports facilities will be able to accommodate the public without gauge.
- Teleworking will no longer be compulsory, but will remain encouraged.
- Wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory outdoors.
As of Wednesday February 16:
- Consumption in stadiums, cinemas, transport will be authorized again.
- Standing concerts and standing drinks can resume.
- Discotheques will be able to reopen.
- The school protocol may be lightened at the start of the February holidays, if the health situation allows.
Finally, Jean Castex indicated that the vaccine pass could be suspended if the epidemic and hospital pressure were to reduce favorably, for example in the absence of deprogramming, “while keeping us ready to reactivate it in the event of a restart”.
And also :
- How to download the European certified vaccination certificate.
- You can download your Covid-19 certificateon the Tous Anti-Covid app or on the government website.
- Immediate work stoppage: how does this new measure announced by Olivier Véran work? We explain to you.
- The company health protocol is published.
- How to benefit from a home nurse if you are infected with Covid-19? Learn more about home nursing.
- Mental health campaign “talking about it is already treating yourself”:a general public campaign by the Ministry of Health encourages the French to “talk” about their psychological state, which has been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and recalls the existence of helplines. The objective is to better detect depressive and anxiety disorders before they worsen and/or become chronic. The campaign, broken down into three spots, will be deployed on radio, television and on the Internet.
- the “psy package”which will allow the reimbursement of ten sessions with a psychologist for children and adolescents, will be effective at the end of May.
- Alcoholism: In an anxiety-provoking context, combining health fears and increased precariousness, the mental health of the French is severely affected. At the forefront of the risks, the increase in addiction to alcohol. Stress, alcohol at hand… contribute to relapses. The advice of psychiatrist Fanny Jacq interviewed by Top Santé.
- Covid-long: causes, symptoms, risk profiles… What we know a year after the start of the epidemic
- The oximeters, which allow patients suffering from Covid-19 to measure their oxygen saturation level at home, are reimbursed at 100%. Learn more about home oxygen therapy.
Parliament adopted the extension of the state of health emergency until June 1. A text of law will propose to “establish a current transitional regime from June 2 to October 31.
Read also:
- Covid: how to treat yourself at home?
- Covid and pregnancy: what you need to know
- Variants: symptoms, contagion… What we know