Have you ever heard of mucormycosis? These fungal infections can develop in the lungs (lungs), rhino-cerebral (between the upper airways and the brain) or cutaneous (skin).
Mortal in 40% to 50% of cases, these diseases are characterized by pain, fever, tissue necrosis (some patients may lose an eye, for example), brain damage, purulent secretions or even digestive disorders. vision.
Mucormycoses are caused by microscopic fungi of the family Mucoralesnaturally present in Nature: contamination is mainly by inhalation of spores.
Mucormycoses are quite rare since in 2006, there were “only” 1.2 cases per 1 million inhabitants in France. These diseases are more frequent in immunocompromised patients, and in particular in patients who suffer from a malignant haematology (leukemia, for example), in transplant patients or in diabetic patients (type 2 diabetes).
Mucormycoses develop especially in diabetic patients cured of Covid-19
Mucormycosis seems to be booming in India: journalist for our colleagues from the BBCSoutik Biswas claims that between December 2020 and February 2021, 58 cases were recorded in 5 Indian cities (Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi and Pune) while mucormycoses are usually extremely rare.
“Patients with mucormycosis are mostly diabetics recently cured of Covid-19says eye surgeon Dr. Akshay Nair. We believe that infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, combined with pre-existing diabetic pathology and prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs (steroids), prepares the ground for the development and dissemination of the fungus. Mucorales.“
In April, according to the doctor, 40 patients suffered from mucormycosis in Mumbai: among them, 11 needed surgical removal of the eyeball (enucleation). Because, as Inserm explains, to treat mucormycosis, it is essential to excise all necrotic tissue…”It’s a nightmare inside the pandemic“says Dr. Akshay Nair.
Source : Inserm
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