At a time when Spain has recorded more than 640,000 * cases of covid-19 contamination and 30,495 deaths *, new strict measures are expected this Monday, September 21 in Madrid in order to curb the spread of the virus. The region of Madrid of 6.6 million inhabitants is indeed very affected by this epidemic rebound and accounts for a third of new cases of contamination.
Limitation of travel in certain areas of Madrid
For a period of 2 weeks from this day, a travel restriction comes into force in the Spanish capital.
In fact, 850,000 inhabitants of Madrid will no longer be able to leave their neighborhood for two weeks, except in cases of first necessity such as to go to work, to the doctor or to drop off their children at school. This new travel restriction measure concerns certain areas of the capital. It is therefore no longer possible to leave or re-enter it, with some exceptions. The inhabitants will also have to bring a certificate to justify their displacement, as was the case in France during the national confinement of March 17, 2020. Random checks will be carried out by the municipal police. Beyond the first 24 hours, sanctions will be applied for people who do not respect this travel restriction or who cannot justify their displacement. The Spanish authorities say that it is not a question of re-containment and invite the population to stay at home as much as possible.
Parks in the affected areas will be closed. Restaurants, bars and shops will have to limit their capacity to 50%.
Growing concern and saturated hospitals
Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said “We are seeing data that worries us because the number of new cases (in Madrid) is double the national average, and the number of hospitalizations is triple”. A national confinement is not however envisaged, always according to the Prime Minister.
Health experts fear a sharp rise in the number of deaths linked to the new coronavirus in the coming weeks, as the Spanish health system is already on the verge of saturation.