The President of the Republic spoke on Wednesday, October 14, live from the Elysee Palace. He announced new measures and restrictions, because the health situation is “worrying” in France. Here are the essentials to remember.
A curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
From Saturday October 17 at midnight, a curfew will apply in Ile-de-France. This measure also concerns 8 other metropolises: Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Montpellier, Rouen, Saint-Etienne and Toulouse and will last at least “four weeks”. It can be extended up to six weeks, or even until December 1. A curfew can be declared when there is a health emergency, as will be the case with the Covid-19 epidemic, from this Saturday. It will therefore be forbidden to circulate in the public space, for a limited period of time. The aim is to reduce the number of new people infected daily to “3,000 cases, 5,000 cases per day”. Today it is “20,000 new cases per day”. The President also wants Covid-19 patients in intensive care to represent only 10 to 15%, against “32% today“. He cites the example of our European neighbors having taken this measure as well as Guyana:”The transmission rate was reduced at the height of the pandemic. It works.“
Shops, restaurants or cultural venues are required to close “for that hourEmployers and employees must therefore make arrangements to be at home at 9 p.m. Exceptions are possible, by means of proof, for persons who are on night shifts, who return from work after 9 p.m. or for health emergencies. “There will be no driving ban, but a strict limitation“during curfew hours.
Controls will be reinforced and failure to comply with this measure will be punishable by a fine of € 135, as for not wearing a mask. In the event of a repeat offense, a fine of € 1,500 will be applied: “Everyone must be aware of the risks and issues.”
Limiting the number of people in the private sphere
The Head of State recommends limiting gatherings in the private sphere and in the streets to six people. It is also essential to protect the most vulnerable and to respect barrier gestures, even with the family. This advice aims to prevent the acceleration of the spread of the virus in the private sector. In addition, going on vacation is possible, because the French will always have the freedom to move between regions.
Financial support
For the most insecure people, beneficiaries of the APL or RSA, exceptional assistance will be given to them, for a minimum amount of 150 €. They will be able to receive, in addition, 100 € per child. In addition, partial unemployment at 100% will be reactivated, for sectors in difficulty (restaurants, hotels, tourism, events, sport, etc.). Teleworking is not compulsory: “We will rather encourage people, for jobs where it is relevant, to do two or three days of telework per week“said the President.
A new TousAntiCovid application
After application “StopCovid “, which does not have “it does not work ”, Emmanuel Macron asks for its overhaul. It will become “TousAntiCovid” and will be presented on October 22. It aims to “identify sources of contamination, trace them and prevent “and will issue a”easy to use ”. Instructions will be given, depending on where people are, to reduce the risk of contamination.
New tests coming soon
A new testing strategy will be implemented, thanks to “self-tests”And antigenic tests:”we have an innovation that has happened in recent days, recognized by the World Health Organization, the High Authority for Health. These are called antigen tests. “The innovative screening means can be carried out yourself, at home, by means of a saliva or blood sample. The antigenic tests will be carried out by a professional, in a pharmacy, for example. The aim is to“drastically reduce delays “To get the results,”in case of hesitation “or case-contact.
These new measures aim to cope with the resurgence of the epidemic, thanks to a new action plan: testing using innovative tools, alerting thanks to the new TousAntiCovid platform and protecting through high isolation. strict 7 days when a person has the virus. “We have until summer 2021 with this virus, all scientists are clear ”, Informed Emmanuel Macron.