Disinformation, conspiracy theories, extreme fasting, pseudo-therapies based on magic stones: the coronavirus has exploded sectarian excesses, often propelled by social networks. With the pandemic, sectarian movements are on the rise, underlined this February 25 Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior, in charge of Citizenship. According to a report commissioned from Miviludes, the Interministerial Mission for the fight against sectarian aberrations, these are in fact approximately 500 active sectarian defiance groups linked to these movements that have been identified and about 140,000 people affected, including 90,000 children and adolescents.
Mystical delusions
What are these sectarian movements? According to the Minister, there are three types of new trend. “Everything that is related to paramedical and well-being and there it obviously exploded with the pandemic because people are in search of meaning and remedies (…) Everything that is related to sects which are based on religious principles (…) and the conspiracy movement (survivalism). “
The reason ? A favorable anxiety-provoking context, increased use of the Internet and social networks and illness without treatment. These “charlatans” were able to offer alternative solutions and play on the fragility of people. Interviewed by France Info last October, Camille Chaize, spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior had described phenomena of mystical delusions that appeared from the first confinement. “We have seen situations where these gurus, these influencers, returned to themes linked to divine punishment with a resurgence of apocalyptic current linked to the pandemic. We talked a lot about the imminence of the end of time. evolved due to the Covid. “ The result is solutions that are all more maddening than the others, from metratonic light baths to energy treatments.
The minister, interviewed by Europe 1, specifies that the sectarian influence takes advantage of moments of fragility and isolation in a person’s life, but “spares no social class.“
Faced with this observation, Marlène Schiappa strengthens the fight against sectarian movements through a closer link with justice. “My wish is that as soon as there is a report to Miviludes, from now on, it can give rise to a judicial investigation, if this report is serious. “
The minister also calls for the vigilance of the prefects so that they report the abuses. “It had been years since no instructions had been given to the prefect on this subject. From now on, we ask them to be very vigilant, in particular with regard to the pandemic and the abuses that may result from it.”
How to spot unsafe practices?
The objective of Miviludes is to fight against sectarian aberrations since 2002, through the prevention and repression against these acts. Today, 40% of the reports that Miviludes receives concern health issues. And for good reason: the dangers and excesses of the alternative healing and well-being market are due in particular to the absence of independent and rigorous evaluation of these unconventional methods. Often, pathologies that are difficult to treat fall prey to these scams. This is the case with cancer for which non-validated treatments can be offered.
In order to detect and fight against these scams, Miviludes therefore recommends being wary of so-called “miracle” solutions, denigrating conventional treatments or advising to stop them, and involving a high cost. The fact of being offered free sessions or, on the contrary, of having to pay in advance for sessions or pseudo-therapeutic solutions should alert people. It is also important not to isolate yourself in an “exclusive” relationship with the practitioner and to speak with others and with health professionals in case of doubt. More informations : www.derives-sectes.gouv.fr.
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