Tomorrow, May 19, some establishments will reopen as well as the terraces of cafes and restaurants. It then becomes legitimate to wonder if a person is taking risks of contracting Covid-19, when they drink their coffee on the terrace.
What are the risks of being infected outside?
May 19 also marks the start of the curfew later, at 9 p.m. The opportunity to enjoy the restaurant terraces, ready to welcome the public. The beautiful days are coming and some people, including epidemiologists, are wondering about the risks of transmitting the coronavirus outside. On this subject, scientific data is lacking for the moment. The only certainty that exists is that the risk of contamination outdoors is lower than indoors. According to the Institut Pasteur, it has been proven that the coronavirus is transmitted “ mainly by air (droplets of postilions emitted during coughing efforts but also during speech) and passes through close contact (less than a meter) and lasting (at least 15 minutes) with a contagious subject “. The fine particles emitted during speaking could also remain suspended in the air, especially in a room that is not ventilated. In the open, the ” cloud Created can dissipate faster.
On the other hand, according to the ComCor study on the places and circumstances of contamination, carried out by the Institut Pasteur, “ the well-characterized clusters and episodes of transmission are overwhelmingly identified in indoor spaces compared to outdoors “.
Can the epidemic start to rise again?
The establishments, but also the terraces, will be able to accommodate people up to half their capacity. Social distancing must therefore be respected to limit the transmission of the coronavirus outside. Epidemiologist Antoine Flahault estimated at the beginning of May that the risk of contamination is ” 18 to 20 times less Outside and inside. The risks may also differ depending on the situation. Indeed, walking in the forest or going to a gathering outside does not confer the same danger of infection. However, for now, it is still necessary to continue to wear the mask, even outdoors.