It seems that the coronavirus epidemic is raging again in France, as the country is experiencing an upsurge in cases of Covid-19 infection. According to Public Health France, 12,532 new cases have been reported in the past 24 hours, an event that has not occurred since mid-May.
How many departments exceed the alert threshold?
In France, more than 5.8 million cases have been confirmed positive for the coronavirus with more than 12,000 new patients in twenty-four hours. France has 5 additional deaths in 24 hours, for a total of 111,501 people who have died since the start of the epidemic. The number of contaminations therefore leaps again and more and more departments are affected. In total, the alert threshold, which is 50 new contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants, has been reached in no less than 37 French constituencies. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal told Le Parisien on Sunday July 18 that “ The alarm bell is sounded. France is back above the alert threshold with an incidence rate of more than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 80% over one week, unheard of since the start of the crisis “. For the moment, the hospital services are not saturated, but 208 patients have all the same been admitted in intensive care over the last seven days and 1,215 new hospitalizations have taken place this last week.
What are the causes of this epidemic rebound in France?
According to its latest report, the National Public Health Agency indicates a ” acceleration of the deterioration of the epidemiological situation [ainsi qu’une] clear increase in the Delta variant, which has become the majority in mainland France “. Indeed, the variant identified for the first time in India is transmitted more easily than the original strain. On the other hand, the summer period and tourism result in an increase in the number of new cases of coronavirus, especially in Martinique, Guyana and Reunion. In mainland France, Ile-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the Occitanie region are concerned. In addition, all age groups are affected, especially young adults. Some departments do not hesitate to take the necessary measures and reinstate the obligation to wear a mask outside in crowded places such as markets. This is the case for example of Pas-de-Calais or Bas-Rhin. Others are putting in place a curfew to curb the spread of the virus. Epidemiologists hope that with vaccination, the epidemic will stay under control. According to the Directorate General of Health, more than 30 million French people have a complete vaccination schedule or 45% of the total population.