The Department of Health announced that one of the two French patients affected by the new coronavirus had died. This is the first patient to return from Dubai.
“One of the two French patients affected by the new coronavirus has died”. This is the announcement made this Tuesday, May 28 by the Directorate General of Health (Dgs). This is the first patient to have been hospitalized at the Lille CHRU. This 65-year-old man was admitted on April 23 to the hospital in Valenciennes, in the North, on his return from a stay in Dubai, then transferred to Douai and Lille. His contamination by the new coronavirus was confirmed on May 7.
Regarding the other patient affected by the virus, a 50-year-old man who had shared the room of the first patient with this infection from April 27 to 29 at the Valenciennes hospital center, his condition continues to worry doctors in Lille. The patient is currently isolated and on extra-corporeal oxygenation to take over his pulmonary functions. His vital prognosis is still under way. This mode of contamination between the two patients constitutes further proof of human-to-human contamination.
Following this death, France did not change its vigilance system and Marisol Touraine wanted to be reassuring. “The situation has not changed epidemiologically, there is no new case”, on the territory, she declared on BFM-TV.
This virus, now designated by WHO as the Sea, has affected 44 people since last September, 23 of whom have died. The majority of cases have been recorded in Saudi Arabia, with the rest spreading between Qatar, Jordan, Tunisia, the state of the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Great Britain and France.