The president of the Ile-de-France Region has abolished the pass-contraception in high schools. The device will be replaced by a digital portal.
A few weeks after removing the pass-contraception in the region, Valérie Pécresse wanted to explain the reasons for her choice during a press conference on Tuesday. This device, set up under the previous legislature, and adopted by half of the regions in France, allows young people to benefit from free contraception as well as gynecological monitoring thanks to a coupon book distributed in high schools.
“Coup de com”
“We are not in the ideology, it is about pragmatism”, assured the new president of Ile-de-France, tackling in passing the “coup de com” “of the team to which she succeeded to the regional council. “The Contraception Pass was a failure. In 2015, no booklet was distributed in high schools, despite a communication budget of 540,000 euros! Salon feminists are careful not to denounce this! “
They will therefore be able to judge for themselves what the president of the region concocts. Valérie Pécresse relies in particular on the government’s Health Act, which provides for the free delivery of contraception to all minors from July 2016 and which, in fact, makes the pass-contraception obsolete.
A “digital portal” should thus see the light of day, bringing together all the information on contraceptive delivery points, opening hours and the latest legislative developments. The site will map the hospital consultations and other structures that welcome adolescents; it will also help locate condom distributors.
Youth sexual health
The first part of this site should be available at the start of the school year. The name of the device will be… the “e-pass-contraception”. “We want to use the tools of young people to talk to them”, insisted the president of the executive of Ile-de-France.
Valérie Pécresse indeed wishes to make the sexual health of young people a priority axis of her action, she explained while listing a certain number of data relating to Ile-de-France.
“Regarding emergency contraception, 56% of 15-25 year olds have used it, against 39% for the rest of France. The prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is higher there, as is the number of abortions (19% against 9%), with strong territorial inequalities. Finally, in 2013, 600 newborns were born to underage mothers ”.