The ex-manager of the company SEB was sentenced to 3 years in prison, one of which was suspended. His sanitary negligence provoked the intoxication of 18 people.
The sanction is heavy, but at the height of the damage caused. The former manager of SEB was sentenced to three years in prison, two of which were closed. He is found guilty of the negligence which caused the intoxication of 18 people in June 2011. The health checks carried out on the minced steaks sold by the Lidl brand were insufficient.
Guy Lamorlette, former manager of SEB, will have to serve a prison sentence and pay a heavy fine. 50,000 euros will be paid, as well as damages to the victims. In addition to this material penalty, the man will no longer be able to exercise a profession in the industrial and commercial sector.
The other defendant, a former quality and hygiene manager of the company, was not tried. The charges were dropped after his death, a week before the trial. The two men were being prosecuted for allegedly changing health control standards while on duty, without informing the veterinary services.
Heavy sequelae
Instead of systematically checking all batches of meat and carcasses, the managers decided to carry out random checks. A unilateral relaxation of the rules, which had allowed the bacteria E. coli 0157H7, the strain responsible for the contamination, to slip through the cracks.
As a result of this release, 18 people were poisoned by E. coli. Among them, about fifteen children. One of them was particularly affected. Now 8 years old, he is 90% disabled. The neurological lesions caused by the bacteria also impaired his intellectual development.
Nolan is not the only victim to suffer the consequences. Other young patients developed a hemolytic uremic syndrome. This condition, rare in France, is often linked to food and causes renal failure.