If the harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption are well known, on the other hand, few studies have looked at the impact it can have on the respiratory tract. That’s why researchers at Loyola’s Alcohol Research Program (LARP) set out to study the effects of alcohol on the pulmonary system. And according to the results of their study published in the journal Chest, adults who drink too much alcohol are more likely to develop infections of the respiratory system.
“Alcohol upsets the balance in the lungs”
LARP researchers looked at data from 12,000 adults between 2007 and 2012. They defined heavy drinkers by grouping heavy drinkers (more than one drink per day for a woman, two for a man), and heavy drinkers. occasional (more than four drinks on one occasion per month for women, five for men).
In this sample, 30% of the participants were recognized as heavy drinkers. They then checked their asthma, diet, smoked and several other factors.
As a result, researchers found that nitric oxide levels were much lower in heavy drinkers than in those who do not drink alcohol, making them more susceptible to bacterial infections.
Indeed, their study has shown that overconsumption of alcohol leads to a decrease in nitrogen monoxide in the exhaled air. However, nitric oxide is a molecule that plays an essential role in the immune system and its production in the body is finely regulated: in the event of insufficiency, the risk of bacterial infections is increased; in excess, it contributes to the development of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
Nitric oxide also allows smooth muscles, such as those that make up the vascular walls, to relax.
According to scientists at LARP, this discovery requires “further research to understand the complex interactions between alcohol and nitric oxide in the respiratory tract.” According to them, this new data is an additional element to be taken into consideration among heavy drinkers.
Remember that excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, esophagus, liver, breast, in addition to a very varied number of disorders on the body.
Read also :
Cancer: alcohol increases the risk
Breast cancer: the link with alcohol consumption identified
Alcohol overexposes skin cancer