More and more seniors are using connected objects. Seven in ten still seek the advice of their doctor before making a purchase.
Knowing your blood pressure in real time, checking your treatment intake… This is what attracts seniors. Connected objects are popular among 60-80 year olds, according to a study carried out by the Institut Français des Séniors, in partnership with the Medisite website, on the occasion of the annual seniors’ fair in Paris.
Contrary to popular belief, three quarters of them know of the existence of connected objects. And they are seduced: 81% of people in their fifties use them regularly. The oldest seniors (70 years and over) feel as concerned by e-health objects as the youngest (50-60 years).
Blood pressure monitors are successful
Two objects mainly attract seniors: watches that measure their heart rate and blood pressure. “Remote assistance” systems, which make it easier to stay at home, are also popular. The cameras are popular with seniors, worried about the risk of falling without having the possibility of contacting their relatives, or the emergency services. These systems detect their fall and can quickly alert the emergency services. In order not to forget to take your treatment, then come the electronic pill dispensers.
The doctor remains the reference
Although connected objects make the daily life of seniors easier, they are not a substitute for the doctor. E-health data in hand, 84% of seniors want to communicate it directly to their doctor. Another figure: more than half of them (68%) prefer to ask their doctor about the quality and reliability of connected health objects before buying them.