This is not a concert like the others that the Indochine group gave on May 29 at the AccorHotel Arena in Paris. For demonstrate the absence of an increased risk of salivary carriage of SARS-CoV-2 7 days after a concert, a team coordinated by Pr Constance Delaugerre of the virology department of Saint-Louis AP-HP hospital, Dr Solen Kernéis, from the infectious risk prevention team at Bichat-Claude-Bernard hospital and Prof. Jean Marc Treluyer, from Necker-Cochin hospital monitored and tested the 3,900 spectators who attended the concert as well as a control group of 1,900 people who stayed at their homes.
The results of this study show that there was no excess risk among the spectators who were nevertheless in an enclosed space, but who all wore a surgical mask for the duration of the concert. Improved hand hygiene for the public, as well as optimized ventilation of the room had also been planned.
Eight contaminations were recorded among the 3917 participants in the experimental group, compared to three among the 1947 participants in the “control” group. Note that 50% of participants declared having received at least one dose of vaccine and 7% a complete vaccination schedule.
Hope brought by the Barcelona test concert
5,000 spectators gathered for an authorized concert at the Palau Sant Jordi, in Barcelona (Spain) and only 6 people positive for Covid-19 two weeks later (including four who caught the virus elsewhere than at the concert according to the doctors): this was the result of a test carried out by Spanish health authorities on March 27. “The analysis of the results indicates that a live concert in a closed place attended by several thousand people who sing and dance, and who can kiss each other, having passed an antigen test before, wearing an FFP2 mask and a good ventilation is a safe activity “emphasized thethe doctors of the university hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, organizers of the event.
All spectators had undergone an antigen test when booking the concert seat. On the evening of the event, they wore an FFP2 mask and took a temperature measurement at the entrance to the room, which was ventilated.
Another concert will take place in Gerona, Catalonia, on May 1, this time with 250 people who will not be forced to respect social distancing.
3 test concerts in Germany in August 2020
Last August, 2,000 volunteers, only young and in apparent good health, gathered for three test concerts in Leipzig, Germany. All this public was equipped with basic protective equipment, namely a FFP2 mask. But also of plotters, to be able to follow the movements (and potentially that of the Covid-19) and fluorescent products. The results of this test, dubbed Restart 19, had shown thatThe organization of concerts is indeed possible during this pandemic period, provided that the rooms are able to have an adequate ventilation system and that the sanitary rules, such as wearing a mask throughout the concert, are respected.
Read also :
- Covid-19: which vaccines, for whom, which age group?
- How long are we contagious?
- What is an electronic vaccination certificate?