If colors are omnipresent in our environment, we often have very little awareness of their true effects on our body, our emotions and our mind. However, they have been used for a long time in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine: they are, for example, associated with the chakras, the energy centers of the body. And, like light, they can have a positive influence on improving our daily lives.
The effects of chromotherapy on health
Why ? Because each color is actually a wave, broken down after its capture by the eye into electrical signals. These are transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve, which will process and interpret them as so much information.
Today, chromotherapists do not claim to cure “everything”, but use colors (especially through filters) to soothe, harmonize and rebalance body and mind. Some doctors, but also therapists, physiotherapists, orthoptists, nurses, psychologists, acupuncturists…use colors. They use it to treat certain pains, depression, traumatic shocks, but also skin conditions (herpesshingles, scars), joint pathologies (tendonitisarthritis, etc.).
Why are some shades soothing?
It is a property of so-called “cold” colors, mainly blue, known to bring serenity and tranquility, and to soothe anxiety. Blue is also the symbol of calm and peace. Turquoise, lighter, is relaxing, just like indigo, which stimulates intuition, and violet, which also promotes inspiration (it is often associated with spirituality). Green is considered calming and stabilizing. Preferred in offices and bedrooms.
Which, on the contrary, bring energy?
These are the so-called “warm” hues, such as yellow (stimulating and revitalizing) and tonic orange. Red, on the other hand, increases vitality, especially sexual, but also anger… or appetite! To be favored in the kitchen, the dining room… but to be avoided in excess in rest rooms. But you can perfectly combine several shades in a room. Thus, in a child’s room, the blue or green corner will be that of rest and the most colorful space, that of play.
How to use them indoors?
In decoration, color is everything or almost, and it is the first element that creates atmosphere. But, without totally turning your interior upside down, you can very simply add hints of color by small touches on the sheets, lamps, cushions, paintings… You can also associate a complementary color to the chosen dominant (see the table of color symbolism, next page) to bring out their visual harmony. But also to avoid, through monochromy, the excess energy of a color… whose effects could prove to be too powerful. Thus, an entirely red room can maintain the feeling of anger. Slice with its complementary avoids, without fault of taste, the overdose and the feeling of malaise which could be felt.
What’s the best way to take advantage of it?
In multiple ways, without necessarily going through a chromotherapist or using filters. We can simply look at a color that we like and that makes us feel good on a fabric, a paint, or in nature, which offers an incredible palette. You can also wear your favorite colors on yourself (changing according to your desires and needs), including small touches: clothes, stoles, but also semi-precious colored stones. Even put on, for a few minutes a day, glasses with tinted lenses to see life in pink… or in green, blue, yellow!
More info on www.chromatotherapie.com
Test: What is your dominant color?
Certain colors resonate within us. Without ever curing a disease, colors would have the power to influence our behavior. Whether it inspires you, soothes you or relaxes you, your dominant color can say a lot about your personality. To identify it, do the test carried out by the magazine Psychologies.