Irritability, common at the end of family meals, is linked to blood sugar levels, according to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Christmas is obviously the time of gifts, good meals with the family, but also the traditional argument at the end of the meal … But do not be too angry with your brother-in-law or your mother-in-law if the your going up, because they may be suffering from hypoglycemia.
A study published last spring in the newspaper Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has shown that there is a link between irritability and blood sugar level. A psychologist asked 107 married couples to stick pins in voodoo dolls supposed to represent their spouses, from 0 to 51 pins depending on their annoyance with their partner or partner.
This study was conducted for 3 weeks: the results show that the more people had a low glucose level, the more they tended to pin their spouse! Between people who had a very low level of glucose in their blood and those who had a higher level, the number of stuck pins ranged from single to double.
Christmas dinner promotes hypoglycemia
Researchers at the University of Florida explain these results by stating that “irritability is due to poor self-control. But succeeding in controlling these aggressive impulses requires energy ”. So mathematically, when you are in hypoglycemia, you are more irritable.
But how to be in hypoglycemia after a good Christmas meal consisting of turkey with chestnuts, chocolate logs, petits fours and (a few) glasses of wine? As noted the Daily MailThere is a risk that your blood sugar level will plummet if you eat a combination of alcohol and sweet desserts. Indeed, in addition to the effects of alcohol which can make you irritable, chocolates or sweets will cause the body to produce insulin to absorb excess sugar in the blood.
To this natural production is added that induced by alcohol consumption: many studies show that alcohol lowers blood sugar levels. Besides le magazine Diabetes recommends that diabetics check their blood sugar before consuming alcohol … These two actions combined can cause your blood sugar to plunge … which may explain the loud voices at the end of Christmas meals. The solution: take a little turkey with chestnuts!