Eight teams, forty people mobilized for CHOPIN. They were not called for their musical talent, but to participate in a research program on cholesterol (CHOlesterol Personalized INnovation), named after the brilliant composer.
For five years, researchers and doctors from Inserm, the CHU and the University of Nantes, will tackle one of the scourges of the century, cholesterol, or rather, its deleterious effects when it is present. in excess in the body.
Poor diet can lead to cardiovascular disease, reminds the daily 20 minutes. But, for one in 300 people, hypercholesterolemia has a hereditary origin. The vast majority (90%) are unaware of it and therefore expose themselves to late screening.
The Nantes teams will therefore track down the genes responsible and identify the risk factors for the disease. They will rely on 4,000 families with genetically too low or too high cholesterol levels, specifies the daily.
The ultimate objective is both preventive and curative, explains the sponsor of the study, Professor Bertrand Cariou: “To develop innovative and personalized treatments and better identify the patients most at risk”.
The support of industrialists will make it possible to develop drugs. But already, the program has an envelope of 8.3 million allocated within the framework of the call for projects Hospital-university research in health. Nantes is one of the ten winners, but also of the scientific metropolises which, for a long time, have been able to combine the skills of teachers, researchers and doctors.