The number of cases of chickenpox continues to increase in France. Inserm’s Sentinels network published its weekly bulletin on Wednesday, May 7. The verdict is final: “The incidence of cases of chickenpox seen in general medicine consultation was estimated at 41 cases per 100,000 inhabitants”.
Several regions concerned
Viral disease is therefore considered to be “in strong activity” in seven French regions. The most affected remain the PACA with 104 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the Center with 57 cases and Burgundy with 56 cases. Just behind, the regions of Rhône-Alpes (56), Languedoc-Roussillon (53), Limousin (48) and Midi-Pyrénées (45). Seven other areas are designated as “moderate foci” of chickenpox. In total, one in three regions exceeds the national average. Among the other diseases monitored, acute diarrhea and influenza-like illnesses are classified as “low activity”.