A woman developed a heart condition after consuming 6 times the recommended dose of hemp oil.
- A woman was taken to the emergency room for a heart problem following an overconsumption of CBD
- CBD has soothing effects and therapeutic virtues but like any natural supplement it can have side effects at high doses.
Caution when consuming plants: natural does not rhyme with harmless. A 56-year-old woman was management by the University Hospitals of Geneva for dizziness and sudden malaise after consuming too high doses of CBD oil and berberine. This moleculeextracted from the plant Berberis aristata, is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its effects on the central nervous system (anticonvulsion, painkiller) and on the cardiac system (antihypertensive).
Heart rate too high
CBD oil, one of the molecules contained in the cannabis flower, has many benefits (anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, anti-psychotic, antioxidant), but consuming it in high doses is not without risk. The patient, who was taking six times the recommended dose of CBD for 4 months to fight against stress, paid the price.
Her electrocardiogram (ECG) revealed that she suffered from long QT syndrome and tachycardia. ventricular with torsades de pointes. In this particular disorder of the electrical activity of the heart, the heart rate is too high and the contractile cells of the heart take longer than normal to “reload” between each beat. In addition to its consumption excessive CBD, the patient had no other health conditions that could be the cause of her heart problem.
First time
Long QT syndrome and ventricular tachycardia with torsades de pointes can be caused by drugs or THC consumption, among other things. for example, which is, like CBD, derived from cannabis, but which causes psychotropic effects. But this is the first time that CBD has caused such a syndrome: “More and more people are taking herbal supplements for their potential beneficial effect. However, their character “natural” can be misleading, as these preparations can have serious effects unwanted side effects alone or if combined with other supplements or medications. Their use should not be taken lightly and the dosage recommendations must always be respected”alert Elise Bakelants, cardiologist at the University Hospitals of Geneva.
In the five days following the end of this “treatment”, the patient’s ECG was normal and three months later she was free from dizziness or malaise.