At the request of the Directorate of Social Security, the High Authority for Health looked into the cataract surgery operation to see if it was possible to perform this surgery in a city office, which some ophthalmologists want. .
Cataracts affect more than 20% of the population from the age of 65 and over 60% from the age of 85. The treatment consists of extracting the opaque lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular implant. This operation is performed under general anesthesia, locoregional anesthesia or local anesthesia.
During its discussions, the working group considered that performing cataract surgery required a technical environment specific to operating theaters as well as the presence of a resuscitator anesthetist, especially since the population concerned, over the age of 65 years old, is more fragile.
Nevertheless, the HAS specifies that the operation of the cataract could possibly be carried out within a structure of the type “autonomous ambulatory surgery center” in the long term, with the presence of an anesthesiologist on the site. These “autonomous” centers will, however, be subject to certain rules, particularly in terms of hygiene, management of medical equipment and devices, and bio-cleaning procedures.