A man from Switzerland was rushed to a Paris hospital after being infected with the yellow fever virus. He had been living in French Guiana for 4 months and was not vaccinated. Arrived in serious condition, he had to be operated on. “According to the latest news, the man is fine, he is recovering from his operation, because he underwent a very serious intervention following contamination by the virus”, indicates Jacques Cartiaux, director of the regional health agency (ARS ) from Guyana, quoted by France Info.
The virus is transmitted by the bite ofa mosquito infected. “The first phase, or “acute” phase, is characterized by fevermuscle pain, headache, chills, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. After 3 to 4 days, most patients see their condition improve and the symptoms disappear, “describes the World Health Organization. However, in the most severe forms, yellow fever can be fatal.
The 2nd case in 20 years
Guyana is witnessing its second case of yellow fever in the space of 20 years. The first date August 2017 and concerned a Brazilian woman in the middle of the clandestine gold panning, also not vaccinated. The woman had died.
The problem lies in vaccination, which is however compulsory for anyone residing or staying in the territory. Indeed, it is the main preventive measure against the disease. “A single dose is usually sufficient to confer lasting immunity and lifelong protection against the disease. It gives effective immune protection in 99% of vaccinated subjects within 30 days”, explains theFrench Guiana ARS.
Read also :
An epidemic of yellow fever is raging in Brazil
Republic of Congo: 15 people died of an unknown disease