For the first time, the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) has published a report comparing the state of health of the French population and the efficiency of our health system with that of other countries of the European Union. How does France position itself among the 27 countries of the European Union? Can do better. “In terms of health, France is today an “average” country, sometimes better than some but not always”, judge Roger Salomon, president of the HCSP.
France, champion of life expectancy in Europe
France can boast of several positive elements in its health system. Gold medal for thelife expectancyof women, which is the highest of all EU countries.
France is also the birth rate champion: with a birth rate of 12.7 per 1000, “France ranks 3and places countries with the highest birth rates behind Ireland and the United Kingdom,” the report summarizes.
Another good point concerning road safety, France is the second country to show the fewest injuries on the roads. Proof that prevention policies work. Regarding the number of road deaths, France ranks 8and position.
Above all, France has the lowest mortality rate in Europe concerning cardiovascular illnesses, regardless of gender. There are 158 deaths per 100,000 in men, 92 per 100,000 in women. A good balance sheet which testifies to the effectiveness of the management of cardiovascular diseases.
Tobacco: too many women smoke during the 3and trimester of pregnancy
Our healthcare system has both good and bad points compared to its European neighbours. Regarding the less brilliant aspects, the report emphasizes that “premature” mortality, that is to say, occurring before the age of 65, is particularly high in France, especially among men.
France also suffers from its high consumption of alcohol, tobaccoand drugs, where it occupies the 4and rank of the most consuming countries, behind Estonia, the Czech Republic and Ireland.
On the tobacco side, France is at the top of the rate of pregnant women who continue to smoke during the third trimester of their pregnancy. More broadly, the female population who smoke in France is progressing. An evolution in reverse of other EU countries.
France is one of the countries that consume the most cannabis. Finally, France has one of the highest mortality rates by suicide in Europe: it is 7and ranking of suicide death rates for men, and at 5and rank for women.