The key to preventing cardiovascular illnesses, the leading cause of death in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO), may be found in the fruit section of your supermarket. Researchers at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, have identified molecules, flavonoids, capable of reducing inflammation responsible for cardiovascular disease. And this molecule is found naturally in citrus fruits, in particular in grapefruits.
According to the English study, published in the scientific journal Biochemical Journal and reported by Relaxnews, researchers have proven that flavonoids have a natural protective effect against this type of inflammation. This discovery could allow “to develop a new generation of anti-inflammatory drugs less expensive, easier to produce and less toxic than current treatments”, conclude the main authors of the study.
While the WHO estimates at 17.3 million the number of deaths attributable to cardiovascular diseases, or 30% of total world mortality, the hope of an accessible preventive treatment makes scientists dream. The WHO recalls, however, that it is possible to prevent most of these diseases “by addressing risk factors such as smoking, unhealthy diet and obesity, lack of physical activity, high blood pressure. , diabetes and hyperlipidemia. “