Eight residents of a building in Dunkirk were poisoned with carbon monoxide, reports the Voix du Nord.
New carbon monoxide poisoning. This time, the facts took place in Malo-les-Bains, a residential area of Dunkirk, and are reported by the newspaper The voice of the North. Last Friday, in a two-story building with three apartments, the occupants suffered from severe headaches, dizziness and nausea. Arrived at the scene around 11:30 p.m., the firefighters took care of eight residents poisoned by carbon monoxide.
Four of them, two men aged 26 and 16, as well as two women aged 50 and 26, were taken to the Dunkirk hospital center. The others injured, two men aged 44 and 15 as well as two women aged 47 and 12, were more seriously injured.
1000 poisonings per year
Indeed, these four people had to be taken care of urgently at the Roger-Salengro hospital (CHRU) in Lille, in the dechocking unit, then placed in a hyperbaric chamber for oxygen therapy treatment. This treatment consists of bringing oxygen into the blood and removing carbon monoxide. According to Voix du Nord, these four people have since been released from the hospital.
Each year in France, more than 1,000 carbon monoxide poisonings occur; 100 are fatal. Carbon monoxide is produced during incomplete combustion (gas, fuel oil, charcoal, etc.). This molecule attaches to hemoglobin instead of oxygen, which is essential for the body.