In less than 3 days, two families were poisoned by carbon monoxide and hospitalized in serious condition. These cases are however preventable.
While a cold wave hits the Hexagon, cases of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning are increasing. In the Grande-Synthe migrant camp (North), the parents and two children of a family were transported to the Lille CHRU in serious condition. They were immediately placed in a hyperbaric chamber to provide them with oxygen and counter the effects of this toxic gas.
A few days earlier, three members of another family from Châteauroux in Indre were also hospitalized in serious condition after being poisoned by carbon monoxide.
As of January 4, 2017, 1,527 people have been poisoned by this gas, of which 995 were treated urgently in hospital and 140 were referred to a hyperbaric medicine department. Public Health France also indicates that 8 people have died since September 1.
Check heaters
All of these incidents are linked to heating or cooking appliances that run on gas, wood, coal, gasoline, fuel oil or ethanol. Their improper maintenance or use generates the production of colorless and odorless gas which can kill in less than an hour. “Headaches, nausea, vomiting, are the symptoms that should alert. If these symptoms are observed in several people in the same room or they disappear outside this room, it may be carbon monoxide poisoning ”, indicates Public Health France. In this case, it is necessary to ventilate immediately, evacuate the room and contact the emergency services by calling 15 or 112.
This release of toxic gas is however avoidable if these devices are frequently checked by professionals before winter. The Ministry of Health has also recalled the importance of airing your home for at least 10 minutes every day, even when temperatures drop. But also to maintain its ventilation system in good working order by never obstructing the air inlets and outlets.