Even by limiting oneself to products available over the counter and at the recommended doses, all risks are not excluded. The most frequent interaction consists in the combination of oral and nasal forms of vasoconstrictors to decongest the nose. While the pathology is benign, the consequences can be serious: high blood pressure, tachycardia, angina and even stroke (Stroke). You should also be wary if you are taking tranquilizers based onantihistamines to sleep better and that they are combined with certain cough suppressants, also available in self-medication : they increase drowsiness and therefore the risks when driving a car or on a machine. In fact, it is strongly discouraged to compose a real prescription without at least asking the pharmacist for advice. Moreover, to overcome a symptom that does not go away, it is better to consult rather than add new drugs.
What is a drug interaction?
Drug interaction is defined by the simultaneous intake of two drugs (or more), the combination of which modifies their effectiveness and / or their toxicity. A drug can disrupt the absorption, but also the elimination of another molecule. This results in a risk of overdose or underdose.