This is one of the consequences of the health crisis linked to Covid-19: the French Blood Establishment is starting to run out of biological fluids. The President, François Toujas, evokes a situation “unpublished”, Which has not taken place for over ten years.
A drop in reserve
Needs have increased since the start of the epidemic and reserves are dwindling. Indeed, ” the threshold of 82,000 pockets of red blood cells in reserve ” was reached. A first call for donations had already been launched at the end of August, because this summer, donors were fewer. The EFS confirms this: “We deliver more than what we collect and the reserves are falling “. However, a sufficient quantity of blood is needed from each group, so that all hospitals can have it, if necessary. To cover this need and make reserves, 100,000 donations are essential, corresponding to 10,000 withdrawals per day. The activity of the hospitals is rather strong today and the patients need blood.
A call for donations launched to young people and employers
Blood drives from the main donors have not taken place since March. Indeed, the interactions must be limited, teleworking is privileged and the courses take place partially at a distance. In addition, mobile collection units in businesses represent 80% of donations. Therefore, the EFS asks employers to “ facilitate the donation of blood by their employees ”and for local authorities to“ continue to facilitate the organization of mobile blood drives in the regions “. His message is also aimed at students, urging them to go to mobile blood collection centers to donate blood. The lifespan of red blood cells is limited to 42 days, hence the importance for the EFS to collect blood regularly. The professionals respect the hygiene measures and the wearing of the mask. In the event of symptoms of Covid-19, the person must wait 28 days after their disappearance to donate blood.