Like every summer, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) struggles to find donors while the needs of patients for blood products are as great as the rest of the year. The public body has decided this year to play the card of modernity in order to reach a younger and connected public thanks to a Facebook application entitled “I give, we give”. This app allows you to create a “Blood Donation” event with friends to encourage and motivate each other to go to a blood donation center. And to motivate donors a little more, the application makes it possible to organize an outing to the cinema or to a restaurant at the end of the blood donation. 18-39 year olds, an age group clearly targeted by the “I give, we give” application represent 42.4% of donors.
In 2012, almost 3 million blood donations were made in France. 10,000 blood donations are needed every day to cover all of the patient needs. The blood collected is used to save lives during emergency situations (surgery, accident, etc.) or in the case of chronic diseases such as leukemia.
Donors must complete certain conditions: be between 18 and 70 years old and weigh more than 50 kg, knowing that after 60 years, the donation is subject to the approval of a collection doctor from the French Blood Establishment. A woman can donate blood 4 times a year, a man 6 times, with a delay of at least 8 weeks between each donation. Some people cannot donate blood: those who have had a blood transfusion, organ, tissue or cell transplant, pregnant women, gay men and people who stayed in Britain for more than 12 months between 1980 and 1996 cannot donate blood.
Discover the application “I give, we give”