For a majority of parents, the years before and after the birth of the first two children are a happier time than usual.
Is the happiness of being a parent the same for every child? English and German fathers and mothers answered this question frankly. According to a British study by the London School of Economics, for a majority of parents, the year before and after the birth of first child has been a lot Happier than usual. But after this period, the parentss have confided to be back To their level of happiness usual. But what about other births? The scientific journal Demography provides the answer in its October issue.
The third child does not make you happier
According to these British researchers, parents wet again a increase of their level of happiness before and after the arrival of the second child ” but he is not as pronounced as the first time ”, they specify. However, for the third child, a increase of happiness is noted, but it is not significant, according to the results of the study.
“In fact, the two first children contribute to happiness strongly, while the third no “, explains bluntly Mikko Myrskylä, pteacher of demographics at the London School of Economics and main author of the study. “In any case, this is our conclusion from the data from surveys longitudinal conducted in Germany and UK », He adds.
Make children late a pledge of happiness?
Moreover, parents who had the highest levels of education, and that had children when they had 35 years or older, have known the biggest increases in happiness. For Csome even lasted for 18 years.
For their part, thees mothers and fathers Between 23 and 34 years bathed in the happiness To the birth of a first Where second child. But an emotion limited to two years.
” The weather of a new baby can be a very moment exciting, like the first parenthood. This is indeed linked to new responsibilities, and may bring a new one meaning to life. She is the symbol of a two-person accomplishment “, suggest the researchers.
For the third child, unfortunately, all those good feelings wither away. “Sometimes, because at this stage of their life, parents face pressures additional financial resources, ”they conclude.