Thirty-one people working at the Belgian potato company Clarebout Potatoes were admitted to the Center Hospitalier d’Armentières for fever and respiratory symptoms. Eleven employees are still hospitalized, according to a report communicated by Joris Moosens, spokesperson for the care and health agency of the Flemish government, in charge of the case, and reported by franceinfo. “Employees are quite sick for a short time, two to three days, then they recover. For the moment, we do not know what illness they have”. The Belgian spokesperson adds that the cause of this virus is necessarily internal to the company because “only the employees have been affected”.
The track of the flu ousted
If the management of Clarebout Potatos affirmed that “the probability is very high for this to be the flu“, the Belgian health authorities and the Regional Health Agency of Hauts-de-France (ARS) have ousted this track, reports The voice of the North. others Infectious diseases as the pneumococcus were also ruled out.
In parallel with the diagnosis of patients, in-depth analyzes are in progress within the Belgian company. In order to determine the source of the outbreak, water, air and soil tests are carried out. The Flemish care and health agency should communicate the results of these tests as soon as possible.
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