Vaincre la Mucoviscidose raises awareness and mobilizes, year after year, the public to support patients and their families. The association funds research,
hospital stations, the training of health professionals but also supports patients on a daily basis. However, the increase in the life expectancy of people with cystic fibrosis translates into new needs for their care. This year, the Virades de l’Espoir will therefore take on a very special meaning.
“Donations must be stepped up in 2011 to invest in research, which is now showing promising results with clinical studies in phase 3, and to meet the emerging needs of this new generation of adult patients. This year, we are stepping up our mobilization, because adulthood
often leads to the onset of complications and requires greater frequency of consultations. The means must therefore follow. »Explains Jean Lafond, president of Vaincre la Mucoviscidose.
Breathless resource centers
People with cystic fibrosis have a daily life punctuated by taking medication, care and hospital treatment, which
are accentuated during infection. Beyond the daily care (approximately 1h30), medical follow-up must be done at the rate of one visit every 2 to 3 months. The patient goes to the CRCM (Center for Resources and Skills for Cystic Fibrosis) for half a day of examinations, completed by a physiotherapy session and a discussion with the nurse who lists all the events that have occurred since the last visit
Created in 2002 to provide care for patients with cystic fibrosis, the 49 cystic fibrosis resource and skills centers are now facing an increase in the population affected by the disease (2,200 additional patients since their creation), while facing a reduction in their means. Thus, since the creation of the CRCMs, the subsidies provided by the association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose have almost been multiplied by 3 to meet the needs that were no longer covered by the hospitals.
The Virades of tomorrow will therefore kick off a priority action plan for the association, called “Souffle 2015”. To find the Virade closest to you, discover the events map.