One of the main causes of bacterial gastroenteritis is Campylobacter infection. This bacterium is mainly present in meats. By taking stock of the cases recorded in 2021, Santé Publique France has detailed the precautionary measures to be taken to avoid contamination.
- In 2021, the age at Campylobacter infection ranged between 0 and 102 years, with an average of 34 years.
- A large proportion of Campylobacter infections remain asymptomatic.
- A majority of infections are due to the species Campylobacter jejuni.
Campylobacter infection is the main cause of bacterial gastroenteritis and the 2nd source of food poisoning in France. Present in the intestinal flora of animals, this bacterium is transmitted via fresh or undercooked meat (poultry, pork, beef) or cross-contamination (food placed on a contaminated surface).
It causes the symptoms of acute gastroenteritis (diarrhoea, fever, abdominal pain, nausea). They are usually mild and healed within a week. Complications related to Campylobacter infection and deaths are rare. They occur especially in fragile people (elderly, immunocompromised).
Campylobacter infection: 493,000 cases in France in 2021
According to the report published by Santé Publique France on December 28, 2022, the average annual number of symptomatic cases of Campylobacter infections was estimated at 493,000 in 2021, including 392,000 linked to food transmission. The bacterium caused 26% of food poisonings and 31% of hospitalizations associated with these disorders.
Children are the most affected, especially in the 0-9 age group (27 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). The incidence in men is slightly higher than in women (15 cases per 100,000 inhabitants against 11 cases per 100,000). In addition, a seasonal peak was observed during the summer period (July-August).
The organization specifies that in the majority of episodes of collective food poisoning, the consumption of poultry has been incriminated. It is therefore strongly advised to be vigilant when preparing the meat.
Bacterial gastroenteritis: precautions to take while cooking
“The prevention of Campylobacter infections is mainly based on individual measures. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene recommendations in the kitchen, especially for certain populations who may be particularly susceptible to foodborne infections (elderly people, young children, people immunocompromised, pregnant women)”reminds Public Health France in its press release of December 28, 2022. It is therefore recommended to:
- Wash your hands: you must wash your hands before you start cooking, but also between two different preparations.
- Clean surfaces and utensils after handling poultry or raw meat: knives, containers, cutting boards and the work surface used during the preparation of the dish must be thoroughly washed.
- Sufficiently cook poultry, beef and pork: to destroy Campylobacter, cooking through must be above 65°C.
- Particular care must be taken with barbecues: care must be taken to ensure that the meat is well cooked. In addition, avoid serving cooked skewers and sausages in the dish that contained them raw.