Children with low birth weight have more bad cholesterol and more triglycerides.
One in 7 babies is too low at birth, according to the World Health Organization. This means that he weighs less than 2.5 kilos, which can have serious consequences for his health. A study from the University of West Virginia shows that this underweight can cause cardiovascular disorders.
An analysis of cholesterol levels
The researchers collected data from 20,000 fifth graders, all born in West Virginia between 1994 and 2010. They looked at their birth weight and current body mass index, as well as their triglyceride levels and of cholesterol. “Low birth weight was associated with higher levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol and lower levels of ‘good’ cholesterol,” says Amna Umer, the study’s lead author. These children also had higher blood triglyceride levels. Like cholesterol, these fats, present in the blood are risk factors for heart attacks, atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease.
Low birth weight is not inevitable
“These low weights do not appear spontaneously at birth, specifies Christa Lilly, co-author of the study, it is a sign of slowed growth in the uterus.” For the scientist, it is necessary to intervene during pregnancy in order to identify the factors that can increase the risk low birth weight, such as maternal undernourishment. If it is necessary to monitor the health of these children, their cases are not hopeless. Several measures can reduce the risks. “We must ensure that postnatal nutrition is appropriate, monitor their growth and teach these children the principles of a balanced diet, physical activity and prevent certain risky behaviors such as smoking”, concludes Amna Umer .