The Ministry of Agriculture has announced 2 new cases of avian influenza in the Landes and the Dordogne. To date, 15 outbreaks have been identified in the South West.
Avian flu continues to spread in poultry farms in the southwest of France. The Ministry of Agriculture announced on Monday that two new cases have been detected in the Landes and the Dordogne. “In total, to date, 15 outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza for poultry have been detected in 5 departments of southwestern France”, indicates the ministry on his website.
In Dordogne, 8 outbreaks have been identified since the start of the epizootic at the end of November. The new case of H5N1 influenza was identified in Bosset in a farm of 1,070 ducks. Another case had already been identified last week in the same village.
In the Landes, the ministry counts 3 outbreaks. The new case was discovered in Doazit in a farm of 1,700 ducks. The H5N2 strain was identified there. This is the second in the same village, where the H5N9 strain had already been found.
5 departments affected
At this stage, 3 other departments of the South-West are also affected: Gers, Haute Vienne and Pyrénées Atlantiques. In total, 3 viral strains have been identified by the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES). These are H5N1, H5N2 and H5N9. Several strains are found in the same village and in the same department.
ANSES emphasizes that these strains are of European origin. This is not the Asian strain detected a few years ago. Moreover, in its final opinion delivered today to Stéphane Le Foll, Minister of Agriculture, and Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health, at a press conference, ANSES confirms that avian influenza, and in particular the H5N1 strain, is not transmissible to humans through the consumption of meat, eggs, fatty liver and more generally any food product.