France now has 89 outbreaks of H5N8 avian influenza. The epizootic has spread outside the southwest. Deux-Sèvres has two centers.
The list goes on and on. 89 outbreaks of avian influenza have now been detected in France. That’s five more in just two days. The situation is critical for the Landes and the Gers, which concentrate the majority of cases. But the H5N8 epizootic extends beyond the southwest.
The Gers remains at the heart of the epizootic, with 45 outbreaks. The protective measures seem ineffective: despite the security and surveillance perimeters, the confinement of birds and the ban on gatherings, the virus continues to spread to other farms. The situation is not more enviable in the Landes, where contaminations are progressing at a regular rate.
High mortality
While infections seem to have stopped in wildlife, this is not the case in captive birds. For the first time since the start of the epizootic, the H5N8 strain has contaminated a department other than those in the southwest. Deux-Sèvres, located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, also has two outbreaks in chicken and turkey farms.
Source : The Minister of Agriculture
Compared to the 18 European countries also affected, France presents a particular profile. In fact, only three other states are experiencing a more virulent epizootic in domestic than wild animals: Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland. The site of the animal health epidemiological surveillance platform reports a very variable mortality according to the farms and the species. It varies from 0 to 70% of palmipeds and about 20% for turkeys. Man is, on the other hand, little exposed: to date, no transmission has been recorded.