A 61-year-old Texan was admitted to the emergency room completely drunk, without having drunk a drop of alcohol. The man actually has a rare syndrome.
The Texas police will have a hard time forgetting this story! A 61-year-old man was found drunk without having consumed any alcoholic drink. This Texan produces his own ethyl alcohol in his body without having absorbed any. This sixty-year-old actually suffers from a rare syndrome that turns his stomach into a real home brewery. An unusual story relayed this Friday by the World Big Browser blog.
One Sunday morning, a man fell in an emergency room after staggering for a long time in the corridors of the hospital. For the nurses at the establishment, there is no doubt that the man has certainly drunk too much. He also seems totally drunk. The emergency doctors then make him blow into a breathalyzer. The man has an alcohol level in the blood of 0.37 mg per liter of exhaled air. Once awake, the patient is very surprised by these results and tells the medical staff that he has not consumed alcohol all day. The man claims that, like every Sunday, he leaves mass, and that he abstains from all alcoholic consumption.
It was then that Barbara Cordell, dean of nursing at Panola College, Carthage, Texas, and Dr. Justin McCarthy, gastroenterologist in Lubbock, Texas, decided to believe this man’s story. They therefore suggest that he scientifically test his assertions. Isolated in a room for twenty-four hours, with food rich in carbohydrates, man has no access to alcohol. However, his blood alcohol level climbs in his blood.
Doctors then make the diagnosis. This American suffers from an auto-brewing syndrome due to an infection caused by “Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, baker’s yeast, but also beer. Conclusion, if he eats or drinks anything containing starch (bread, soda, pasta …), the yeast will ferment the sugars into ethanol.
Already described in the past, this syndrome forces people who are victims to follow a strict diet to avoid being drunk. Yeasts, sugars and other refined carbohydrates should be completely banned from their diet.