About 700,000 people are affected by autism in France. Where are we in the care of children or the inclusion of adults? Why Doctor is taking stock on World Diabetes Awareness Day on April 2.
- Children with autism need an adapted school path
- A plan of 400 million euros over 4 years was launched in 2018, aiming in particular to catch up with France’s delay in terms of schooling
It is estimated that nearly 8,000 autistic children are born each year in France. resulting neurodevelopmental abnormalities, autism is characterized by difficulties in interacting with others and communicating, as well as unusual sensory responses and behavioral disturbances, in particular a reluctance to change and a tendency to repeat (behaviours, speech…). Whether during childhood or adulthood, people with autism can experience learning and social integration difficulties.
Late care, slowed schooling
The laws of February 11, 2005 and July 8, 2013 aim to guarantee a school career adapted to the skills and needs of each autistic student. Nevertheless, the supervision of these children is still badly organized in France. Witness Virginie Germain to France info who, mother of a little autistic boy, was forced to move to the Belgian border to find suitable infrastructure: “I was asked to fill out a file at the MDPH (departmental house for people with disabilities, editor’s note) so that he can benefit from the SESSAD (Special education and home care services). I was told a seven year wait. Five years later, I’m still on the waiting list.”
On the forumsseveral parents talk, distraught and waiting for 3 or 4 years also, for their child to be cared for by the SESSADs.
The laws cited above favor education in ordinary class, in a school or vocational education establishment, public or private under contract, closest to home. However, little Kais was only educated 4 hours a week in kindergarten. “I knew that in CP it would be impossible to send him to school with the other children. I tried to find solutions but to no avail..”
There have been kindergarten teaching units for autistic children (UEM or UEMA) in each department since September 2014 (30 classes have been opened) and elementary autism teaching units (UEEA) since 2018, but this is not sufficient.
A national plan over 4 years and 5 commitments
One national plan for autism was however set up on July 23, 2018 and must be deployed until 2022. Governed by the interministerial delegate for Autism Claire Compagnon, “so that commitments and measures are followed up” specify the governmentthis plan benefits from a total envelope of nearly €400 million (€344 million for this 2018-2022 strategy combined with €53 million in 2018 credits from the 3and autism plan).
Four hundred million euros, therefore, to fulfill 5 commitments: investing in research, intervening early with affected children to limit excess disability, catching up with France’s delay in schooling, supporting the citizenship of adults and finally, supporting families and recognize their expertise.
The government intends to improve the early diagnosis, which is still taking too long to be established, to promote the care of children and better support them, develop infrastructure and inclusive schools, also promote the inclusion of autistic adults and train staff. We will have to wait until the end of July 2020, that is to say half of the duration planned for the implementation of this national strategy, to draw up an initial assessment.