Her birth weight was normal at 3.7 kilograms. But from the age of five, everything changed. Arya Permana gained tremendous weight until become obese by gaining 127 kilos. This Indonesian child from the province of Java is considered the fattest child in the world and weighs 192 kilograms at just 11 years old. The boy suffers from morbid obesity caused by an illness that doctors are struggling to explain.
Arya’s daily life is difficult: he can only get around by taking small steps and the slightest physical effort makes him short of breath; so that he no longer goes to school and stays at home to sleep and eat, explain his parents. Coming from a poor family, the child could not be medically taken care of sooner but his parents gathered a sufficient budget to subject their son to a sleeve gastrectomy.
Careful medical monitoring
This bariatric surgerywhich involves reducing the size of the stomach has been successfully carried out at the West Java Island Hospital. Arya has already lost 31 kilograms and the doctors would like to see him lose another 100 kilograms. Whereas the young patient once ate five substantial meals a day, he must now adhere to a scrupulous diet and regular medical examinations.
Arya’s story is reminiscent of Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty. The case of this Egyptian woman who weighed 500 kilos had moved. After undergoing major surgery, the woman now weighs less than 176 kilograms and is currently following treatment in the United Arab Emirates.
Read also :
Abdominal fat announces certain cancers
Obesity harms heart health from adolescence